Rabbi Moshe and Saara Moskowitz
JLIC Couple
He/him/his and She/her/hers
Rabbi Moshe and Saara come to us from Providence, RI where they have each spent over a decade on campus at Brown University. Rabbi Moshe grew up in New York and Montreal prior to attending the New England Rabbinical College in Providence, RI where he earned a degree in Rabbinics. He spent two years in Jerusalem where he learned under Rabbi Moshe Wolpin and subsequently taught at a yeshiva for American teens-at-risk before returning to Providence. R’ Moshe is a BBQ enthusiast, coffee addict, and Pachad Yitzchak stan. In 2014, Forward Magazine recognized R’ Moshe as one of “America’s Most Inspiring Rabbis.”
Saara moved around a lot while growing up, and considers herself a “Midwestern Texan from Baltimore.” During her undergraduate years, Saara attended colleges in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore and where she studied Judaic Studies and Web & Graphic Design (it was an “up and coming” field back then!). Saara recently earned her M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration. While the Moskowitz girls keep Saara a little too busy for hobbies, she does try to make time for her volunteer work educating caregivers about car seat safety in her role as a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician. She also enjoys reading and baking, and once went “viral” on TikTok with challah braiding tutorials.
Contact Rabbi Moshe