Conservices (Conservative Minyan)

Conservices (Conservative Minyan)

Do you love Siddur Sim Shalom, traditional egalitarian services, and davening? Do you pine for the days of USY, Ramah, and Nativ?


Do you seek Judaism and egalitarianism, customs and innovation? Do you try to find balance between tradition and modernity?

Then check out the Conservative community at Johns Hopkins Hillel!

We are a student-led group of individuals who love egalitarian yet traditional worship, meaningful prayer experiences, social causes, and more. We meet for Shabbat services every Friday night before joining the rest of the Hillel community for dinner, in addition to other Conservative experiences.

Join us on Friday nights or other opportunities (check out the Hopkins Hillel events page for more details). For more information, reach out to Zach Bahar or Cameron Fields.