Rabbi Don Cantor

Rabbi Don Cantor

Rabbi Don Cantor

JLIC Educator


Rabbi Cantor is excited to join the Johns Hopkins Hillel community. He was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia. He attended Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon, Shevut, Israel for two years, graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a degree in Philosophy and received rabbinical ordination from Rabbi Chaim Ozer Chait. Rabbi Cantor taught Talmud at the Yeshiva of Virginia boys’ high school and held rabbinic internships at the Riverdale Jewish Center and Keneseth Beth Israel. He was also the programs director and head counselor for Baron Hirsch Camp Darom.

Rabbi Cantor loves to explore the depth and richness of the Jewish tradition and is even more passionate about sharing with and learning from others. When he removes his head from his books, he hikes, plays tennis, basketball, or frisbee, and is always looking to develop his whittling prowess. Most of all, Rabbi Cantor loves spending time with his wife, Leora, and their son, Udi, who was born in May of 2017.

Contact Rabbi Cantor at: DCantor2@jhu.edu